Molding Girls of Integrity

Molding Girls of Integrity

Hello friends! I hope you all had a great weekend. I know I did!

On Saturday, my church had a Girls Youth Rally. We had girls and women from all over the state of Ohio and even some from out of state in attendance. I think our final number ended up being 110 girls (grades 4th-12th) and 50+ adult chaperones. I co-taught the high school girls. The topic for the whole day was “Molding Girls of Integrity” so our class focused on the Fruit of the Spirit in Galations 5:22-23- “But  23  Top Left: Volcano that took up the whole stage in the auditorium/Top Right: waterfall over the baptistery/Bottom Left: the entryway to one of the bathrooms/Bottom Right:looking down the hall to the classrooms

 The lobby was completely decked out and got everyone excited for the day when they first walked in!

Top: The girls brought items for different service projects/Bottom Left: The goody bags we handed out as a “thank you” for coming/Bottom Right: Registration tables when you come in.
The speaker for the day was Sue Darby. This lady is truly an inspiration to me. I have LOVED getting to know her over the year that we have lived here. The whole Darby family has been such a blessing to us as new Ohioians and we hate losing them to Marysville. Anyway, Sue (as always) did a fantastic job speaking. Her lessons reached all ages, 4th grade up to the adults in the room. She also had some fun demonstrations and games.

I had the privilege to teach the high school girls class along side the wonderful Lynne! Unfortunately, I have no pictures of her or us together or our fantastic students. Hello! What was I thinking??
Teaching these girls was truly a blessing and working with Lynne was even more so. By the time our first break out session came around, I wasn’t even nervous because I had such confidence in the two of us. During the first session, we introduced the fruit of the Spirit and talked about each one individually. Then we asked for Bible characters who exemplify each of the fruit. The girls really opened up and gave us some great answers! During the second break out session, we split them into groups and each group was given a situation or aspect of life. They had to answer questions and give us 3 of the fruit that could be applied the best to their given life situation. After they worked for a little while, they each presented their work to the class and I was very impressed with some of the things they came up with. We did the group activity because we wanted them to know that they are not alone in their Christian walk.

The back of our classroom. Ecclesiastes 4:12 “And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” This was to emphasize that they don’t have to do this alone.
The front of our classroom. Trying to go along with the tropical theme, the coconuts on the board have the fruit of the Spirit written on them.
As you can see, we are not as talented in the artistic/creative/decorative category as some of the other ladies.
At the end of the day, we had a balloon launch. Throughout the day, each girl had written their name on the back of a card which was then tied to a balloon full of helium. The front of the cards asked whoever finds the card to pray for the girl on the other side to be a ‘Girl of Integrity.’ When it was time for the launch, each girl got a balloon and let them go all at the same time. When the balloons eventually disintegrate, the cards will fall too the ground and hopefully whoever finds them will pray for the girls. Pretty cool right?
The balloon launch!

The whole day was very successful! We even had 25+ walk-ins that were not preregistered and all the ladies adjusted with no problems. I was very pleased with the day and I just hope the girls were encouraged as much as I was.

Thanks for reading!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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