Our Past, Present, and Future

Our Past, Present, and Future

Happy Friday! I hope you’ve all had a great week. And a great month! Today I thought I’d borrow a fun little blog post for the last day of the month. Last month, Elyse of Just Murrayed wrote a blog post for the #LoveBlog prompt, “Past Present and Future” that I kind of loved. So I stole it!

Elyse and her man have been together since high school just like us. So she shared some of their favorite things to do and eat in every stage of their life as a couple so far. Sounds fun, right? So here’s our version!

High School:

We lived in a suburb of Atlanta. We went to different schools but the same church. We lived about 45 minutes away from each other.

Favorite Date Nights: Either youth group outings (which I guess weren’t really dates) or Mall-of-Georgia dates where we would go to the mall after church on Sunday morning, eat lunch, see a movie, and walk around until time to go back to church for evening services.

Favorite Memory: Our first kiss. At Malibu Grand Prix on a youth group lock-in.

Favorite Meal: The food court at the mall. I would always get Chinese and he got a wrap from Great Wraps.

Favorite Pastime: Talking on the phone for hours every night.

Favorite Trip Taken Together: Visiting Pearson’s extended family in Valdosta at Christmas. It made me feel like we were really serious and I was already considered part of the family.


We went to Harding University together. It’s a small Christian university in Searcy Arkansas.

Favorite Date Nights: Watching movies in the science building. We went to a Christian university and were not allowed in each other’s dorms. So students had to get creative about where we hung out. Pearson and I liked to find a corner in the science building (where we both had most of our classes) and watch movies on our laptops.

Favorite Memory: There are so many. I guess I should say when he proposed, shouldn’t I?

Favorite Meal: Brunch in the cafeteria after church on Sundays.

Favorite Pastime: Probably doing homework together.

Favorite Trip Taken Together: Our mission trip to Manchester, NH.

Grad School:

We graduated college, got married, and moved to Ohio where Pearson started grad school all in the Summer of 2012. We’ve been in the same place doing the same thing since then.

Favorite Date Nights: Movies. Especially the Drive-In. Also the Dublin Irish Festival and the Ohio State Fair. And all of our Christmas traditions. And apple picking at Lynd’s. And all the times we camped out in our living room. And, of course, the Columbus Zoo!

Favorite Memory: Taking road trips together to visit family and our Alma Mater multiple times for holidays. Road tripping with my man is one of my favorite things to do.

Favorite Meal: Donato’s Pizza. haha

Favorite Pastime: Watching our current Netflix binge.

Favorite Trip Taken Together: This is difficult because we’ve been on several great trips since getting married. Our honeymoon in The Bahamas. Our one year anniversary trip to NYC. Our many trips to Harding. Our many trips to Hocking Hills. And of course our trip to California last year. Though, I think my favorite was probably New York City.

So there you have it. A fun little recap of our life together. Some of these questions were really hard to answer.

So what are some of your favorite memories, meals and trips you’ve experienced with your spouse?
Thanks for reading!

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I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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