Thankful Thursday: Spring & Rain

Thankful Thursday: Spring & Rain

Ah spring. While not my favorite season, I believe it is a close second to fall. Spring is when everything starts waking up after hibernating all winter. Animals (and bugs), plants, people, allergies, rain clouds. They all wake up in the spring.

I know it’s technically been spring for like a week and a half now, but I think Columbus has finally decided it’s time to stay Spring for a while. At least I hope so. No more going back to winter, please. And thank you. Anyway, to celebrate all this spring weather we’ve been having (read: rain), I thought I’d talk about spring and rain for Thankful Thursday.

I am truly thankful for the rain. Yes, Columbus is a pretty dreary place, but at this point in the year, I’ll take rain over freezing temperatures and snow. Back in January, I was wishing for snow over the rain. Not at the end of March.

Also, the rain means things will start blooming soon! After all, April showers bring May flowers, right? I cannot wait for all the plants and flowers to be alive again. Winter is such a dreadful time.

I also actually like playing. walking, running, and kissing in the rain. As long as I don’t have anywhere I’m supposed to be going.

And I love watching the rain. Whether it’s a small shower and I’m working or reading by an open window, or it’s a full on thunderstorm taking my undivided attention, watching the rain is one of my favorite things to do!

I’m also just thankful for spring in general. Spring means more outdoor activities. It means the drive-in theater is open and it means baseball season (both of which are on our date night bucket list this year).

As I’ve already said, spring means nature wakes up. Which just makes me so happy. Flowers and sunshine and nights on the patio and grilling out. Sigh.

Are you as exited for spring as I am? What are you thankful for this month? Link up below! Thanks for reading!

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Enduring All Things | Thankful Thursday

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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