Carry-On Essentials for Holiday Travel

Carry-On Essentials for Holiday Travel

This post first appeared as a guest post on Love, Pasta and a Tool Belt in April.

I travel a lot. In fact, I used to travel from Columbus, Ohio to Atlanta, Georgia every other month for work. But I always booked direct flights on those trips. And the flight each way is only about an hour and a half. I just read the whole time.

However, back in the spring, Pearson and I went to California!!! I had an almost five hour flight to LA, a two and a half hour layover there, and then a short flight to San Diego. Then on the way back we flew from non stop from LA on a five hour red eye.

Let’s just say, packing my carry on well was essential to surviving those long flights. So today, since it’s about time for all your holiday traveling, I thought I’d share my carry-on essentials.

For your carry-on:

  1. A couple books (or a Kindle). This is always the first thing I pack. I get my best reading done on planes because I don’t have internet distractions.
  2. A Magazine. For when you get tired of the books.
  3. Your phone. To take awesome pictures out the plane window and to jot down blog post ideas in the notes section. Does anybody else have great blog ideas when you can’t get to a computer or the internet? Like when you’re driving or in the shower? Every time!
  4. Your phone charger to at least use in the airport on your layover.
  5. Headphones.
  6. Your laptop. You’re not allowed to put a laptop in your checked bag and why would you want to? I want my baby with me at all times.
  7. A water bottle. Remember it has to be empty to get through security, but you can fill it up in the airport. Hydration is so important.
  8. Protein bars. Or another healthy snack.
  9. Tissues. Even if you’re not sick or anything. You never know.
  10. Cough drops. Again, you never know when you might get something caught in your throat.
  11. ChapStick. This goes with me everywhere.
  12. Pain killers. These also go with me everywhere. I get headaches so bad.

Other flying essentials:

  1. A big, practical bag. I love this Rosetti one that I got from Target several years ago. It holds a lot of stuff and the shape even allows it to hold my Chromebook while still looking sleek and stylish!
  2. Comfy Shoes. This is something that isn’t really all that important on my short trips. But my feet were killing me after walking around LAX trying to figure the place out. And they got super swollen during the long flight home. Side note: in the winter, wear your biggest and bulkiest boots so that you save room in your luggage.
  3. A pillow or jacket/sweater you can use as a pillow. Side note: in the winter, wear your big coat so that you don’t have to pack it. Though you would probably want to anyway.
  4. Make sure you get a complementary blanket if they have them.

So there you have it. My flying essentials. And that’s coming from a somewhat experienced traveler. What would you add to my list? Thanks for reading!

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I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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