Monthly Goals for December {2016}

Monthly Goals for December {2016}

Well guys, if you didn’t notice, I took more than a month off from the blog and social media. It’s been a rough couple months. I’ve been depressed (though I’m too much of a baby to go get it diagnosed and get help), our marriage has been really struggling, Pearson has been having his own struggles, and the Holidays/business haven’t helped as much as I thought they would.

My break was much needed. Not only did I need to get my thoughts together, I also needed to not worry about the blog while I was so busy with traveling and rehearsing for my show. I needed to focus as much as possible on myself and our relationship.

Now, things are far from fixed, but I miss blogging. I think blogging again will help with a lot of things. I love writing and I miss writing. So, I’m starting today, on December 1st, with a monthly goals post. I’m not going to write about my progress from last month because I didn’t do anything. I’m starting fresh in the last month of the year and maybe it will help me get a jump start on resolutions for 2017. Oh! And I’m going to start listing my goals via bullet points like Brita. I think just that little change will help me stay on track.

Word of the Year (“present”):

  • Stay organized and ahead with Christmas shopping and blogging so that I can be present in the season.
  • Do something “Christmasy” with Pearson every day. Even if it’s just enjoying hot chocolate together in the evening with Christmas music in the background.



  • Drink 80+ ounces of water every day.
  • Get moving at least 4 days per week. (Beach body workouts, Blogilates workouts, walk/jog/run/elliptical for more than 15 minutes. Anything less doesn’t count)
  • Limit sweets to one per day, if that.
  • Only eat one plate of food at all Holiday celebrations. No seconds. Period.

Mental (affiliate links):


  • Do all of our Christmas traditions (in addition to our daily “something Christmasy” from above): 
    • Decorate our tree and sleep in the living room under the tree.
    • Bake and decorate cookies.
    • Drive around looking at lights.
    • Go shopping at Easton.
    • Go to Wild Lights at the Columbus Zoo.


  • Publish at least 2 posts per week.
  • Share my old Holiday posts on social media.
  • Schedule all blog posts and social media through our vacation before we leave (we will be gone from December 21st through January 2nd visiting Pearson’s family, my family, and our friends from college).


  • Take initiative and look for work when there isn’t anything instead of wasting time.

What are your goals for December? If you wrote a post, share the link! Let’s be each other’s cheerleaders! 

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I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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