What I’m Up To {June 2015}

What I’m Up To {June 2015}

Happy June, again. I’m so excited for summer! I just hope it gets here when it’s supposed to. The temperatures have been in the 50s this week and I am sick of it. But enough of that, lets take a look at what I’ll be up to this month!

Cooking: Healthy crock-pot meals

Drinking: Flavored Sparkling Water. It’s delicious!
Reading: Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian
Wanting: To find another show as good as Gilmore Girls and Friends. Any suggestions?
Looking: A little tan thanks to a couple days a the pool and hiking at Highbanks
Playing: Solitaire
Wishing: It would stay nice and warm. The first two days of June were actually pretty chilly.
Enjoying: Summer
Waiting: Patiently for Candace Cameron Bure’s new book, Dancing Through Life
Liking: That Eddie Redmayne will be in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Wondering: Where the Spring/Summer weather went in Columbus
Loving: The Music Man rehearsals!
Needing: Accountability to keep up with my goals.
Smelling: A yummy pineapple scented candle that I stole from my mom last time I was home.
Wearing: Lots of athletic clothes for The Music Man choreography
Following: Lots of fitness accounts with my new Instagram fitness account
Knowing: I am flawed and that is OK. Everybody is.
Feeling: A little sore. Probably a combination of dancing and yoga
Watching: BBC’s Pride & Prejudice miniseries on Hulu!
Listening to: My Broadway Playlist again
Obsessing over: Fuller House!!! Everybody but the Olsen Twins are in board now. I can certainly live with that!
Shopping for: Some new, cute, but modest workout clothes to get me excited for working out.
Learning: All this
Bothered by: The fact that even though it was Black Widow who did the awesome motor cycle stunt in Avengers: Age of Ultron. the toys they made of the motorcycle have Captain America on them because Black Widow is a woman. I thought we were way past this stuff in society. But apparently not.
Wasting time on: Netflix, Hulu, and Youtube
Praying for: My good blog–friend Jessy’s father in law. He’s 
Working on: A better and more organized blog calendar
Looking forward to: Going to Cedar Point in a few weeks!

What are you up to this month?
Thanks for reading!
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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