A Week Worthy of a Friday Countdown

A Week Worthy of a Friday Countdown

Well folks, I’ve had a pretty great week. But if you’ve read the blog at all this week than you already know that! So lets get on with the Friday countdown, shall we?

5 Things I’ve Loved

  1. My new Brew Station! Pearson gave it to me for our anniversary it it’s pretty fantastic!
  2. The Giver. I re-read it this week because the movie comes out next month. I forgot how fantastic it was!
  3. My Sinful Colors nail polish. I got this bottle free from influenster and I absolutely love the color.
  4. My new Purple Mason Jar Tumbler. Pearson gave me this on our anniversary along with the brew station.
  5. These awesome pens. I’ve been using them to write in my planner and they’re pretty great!

4 Articles/Blog Posts I’ve Loved

  1. This story of a dog’s last day on earth (Buzzfeed) -Have some tissues ready!
  2. Susannah revealed the gender of her baby! (Simple Moments Stick) -Been waiting for this for a long time!
  3. Disney Conspiracy theories (Answers.com) -Some I’ve heard but some were surprising
  4. Amberly shared her answer to the baby question (A Prioritized Marriage) -I truly admire her bravery and honesty (this wasn’t posted this week, but I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately)

3 4 Posts I Wrote (I just had to share all of them this week)

  1. Year 2 (Monday)
  2. An Anniversary for the Books (Tuesday)
  3. Wedding Wednesday – Tips for the Big Day (Wednesday)
  4. Total Social: My Favorite Things #FavTotalSocial (Thursday)

2 Things I’m Looking Forward To

  1. Girl’s night tonight
  2. COSI tomorrow

1 Reason to Smile

  1. I’m leaving for Georgia on Sunday for my week in the office and I’m excited to spend time with friends and family!
How has your week been? 
Thanks for reading, and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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