Spring Date Ideas

Spring Date Ideas

Spring. I love Spring. I love watching God’s creation come to life. I love the warm weather because I can spend more time outside in God’s creation. And when I go outside, I don’t have to put 10 layers on first. So today, at risk of sounding redundant to all you bloggers who have already read and written posts about this, I thought I would come up with a list of Spring date ideas! And most of them involve being outside which makes this girl happy!

  1. Take Pip to the dog park
  2. Go to the zoo
  3. Ride bikes (first we will have to get both of our bikes fixed which could be a date itself)
  4. Go to Sky Zone
  5. Chill on our back patio all night just talking like we used to do on the infamous swings at Harding
  6. Game night
  7. Grill out
  8. Go to a Columbus Clippers (minor league baseball) game
  9. Stay up late playing video games
  10. Go to a farmer’s market
  11. Have a picnic in the park complete with flying a kite (or having a kite war)
  12. Dance in a rainstorm (I stole this one from the lovely Amberly but it is totally a great idea!)
  13. Explore parts of Columbus we’ve never seen and eat at food trucks
  14. Work on our garden
  15. Go to the Drive-In. There are some great movies coming out this season.
Now I know we won’t be able to do all of these things. Especially with how busy Pearson is right now, but I would like to try to do most of them. Maybe we will shoot for once a week. I just love Spring and everything it brings! Have I mentioned that yet?

Do you have anything to add to my list?
Thanks for reading!

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~If a front page news article was written about you, what would the headline say? Cats, Crockpots and Cal (fun fact: that was one of the names I considered for my blog before settling on Notes from a Newlywed!)~What song(s) would be included in the soundtrack of your life? That’s a tough one. “What does the fox say” probably because it’s random, silly and features an animal, and a Spice Girls song since that captures my youth.~What are you most looking forward to this Spring or Summer? Wearing cute dresses and flipflops again! Oh, and margaritas on the patio.

Amanda just made the switch to self-hosting this weekend and I know that is no easy task so be sure to go show her some love! And make sure you don’t miss these great posts while you’re at it!
~How I’m Digging Myself Out of Debt (With Actual Numbers)
~Refrigerator Oatmeal: A Recipe!
~Wedding Day Confessions and Regrets

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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