My Summer Playlist

My Summer Playlist

So I am ready for Summer. As far as I am concerned, we can just skip right over Spring and go right into pool sitting weather. However, the weather seems to be stubborn and won’t give me what I want. So I have found a couple ways to help combat that. The number one way is that I made a Summer playlist on spotify and have been listening to it 24/7 for the past couple weeks. 

Here is the link in case the player doesn’t work: Summer Playlist
So there are a few songs on there that are actually about Summer or things you do in the Summer, but some just remind me of my Summers growing up and some I just love and had to include. It’s mostly country, which shouldn’t be a surprise. And of course I had to include “In Summer” that Olaf sings in Frozen.

What songs should I add to my playlist?
How do you combat the stubborn weather?
Thanks for reading!


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~What are you looking forward to most about Spring and Summer? Oh there’s so many things I’m excited about for this Spring/Summer! In May, hubs and I are going to our first military ball (formal event) which I’m super excited about! And of course July means the Fourth AND our 2nd anniversary. Of course with the military nothing is really set in stone but these next few months look pretty promising! 

~If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Hmm….I think I’d have to pick…yikes this is a hard question….uhm I’d think I’d have to pick either telekinesis (the ability to manipulate objects with your mind) or teleportation (because that would be really handy to visit family….and well you know…to save the world).
~What is your favorite way to spend a Saturday? Sleeping in late, going to the beach and then settling in on the couch with the hubs for popcorn and a movie. 

Go say hi to Elizabeth and learn more about her military wife life. While you’re there, be sure to check out these great posts!
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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