Thankful Thursday – God’s Creation {Link Up}

Thankful Thursday – God’s Creation {Link Up}

I am super excited to be joining Rachel @ My Wholesome Home today for a Thankful Thursday link up! Last year (2013), I did a weekly Thankful Thursday series. I tried to write about something I was thankful for EVERY Thursday, all year long. It was certainly a challenge and I was very proud of how well I kept that goal. However, with the start of 2014, I knew I didn’t want to do it anymore because it had gotten to be too much of a hassle to come up with something every week and sometimes I just wanted to post about something else on that Thursday. But I missed it. So when Rachel mentioned doing a Thankful Thursday post just once a month and making it a link up, I was pumped!
Today for Thankful Thursday, I am thankful for… 
God’s creation

You know, everything God does has a purpose. So what’s the purpose of the beauty of nature? It’s for our pleasure. Sure God created nature for the survival of other aspects of His creation. This is evident over and over in Psalm 104. He created the food chain. He clothes and nurtures even the birds of the air and the lilies of the field (Matthew 6:25-34). But he didn’t have to make it beautiful and pleasing to our eyes. That part has nothing to do with survival. That aspect was purely for our pleasure because God not only cares about our needs, He also wants us to be happy and fulfilled while here on Earth. How cool is it that we serve a God who cares about that?

And if we’re being honest with ourselves, there is no way we can look around at the complexity of nature, and not see God’s work and qualities. Phillip Brooks says it rather well in this quote “…From the world we see, hear, and touch, we behold inspired visions that reveal God’s glory…” It is so true. I cannot walk outside without being overcome with awe at God’s amazing glory, power, beauty, and compassion. Animals and plants glorify Him just by being themselves and doing what He created them to do. It’s truly mesmerizing!

So I am thankful for God’s creation because I can enjoy the beauty of it. I love being still and immersed in nature. I love feeling God’s overwhelming presence all around me. And I love that just by looking around, I have no doubt that Our God exists, created our world, and has some awesome power.
What are you thankful for this month? Be sure to link up below and grab the button to share on your post or side bar to spread the word. And use the hashtag #ThankfulThursdayParty when you share on social media!


I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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