Our Memorial Day Weekend According to Pip

Our Memorial Day Weekend According to Pip

Hey guys! Pip here! My mommy told me I could write a post today and tell you all about our weekend since it was pretty exciting for all three of us!

So let’s see, Friday night was kinda weird. As soon as Daddy got home from work, Mommy left (taking their only car) to go to a “Signature Home Styles” party. I’m not sure what that is but Mommy said someone she talked to called it a “spend your husband’s money” party. Whatever it is, I think Mommy had a good time.

But she got home kinda early so they went to Menchie’s to eat frozen yogurt but they didn’t invite me. How rude!

Then Saturday, they left me at home all alone almost all day. But when they finally got home in the afternoon, they brought home a new car!!! A 2012 Nissan Versa! It looks a lot like their Rogue. Just a smaller version. I know they are both very happy because they now have two cars again after having to share one for almost 4 months! And they got another one just in time for Mommy to start “The Music Man” rehearsals.

I guess you could say we like grey Nissan hatchbacks. This is Bruce, our Rogue on top, and Gordon, our new Versa on the bottom. Anyone recognize where the names came from?
A photo posted by Charlene Maugeri (@mrsmaugeri) on

After they got home, Mommy and Daddy took me to Mutts & Co which is one of my favorite places! But they took the Rogue because they didn’t want me to get hair all over the back seat of the new car. I guess I don’t blame them for that.

Saturday night they left again to go to Sing Night. Once a month, they go to someone’s house with a bunch of young adults and college students and sing praises to God all night. They are always so happy when they get home but their voices are almost gone.

Sunday they got up and went to church like normal. But Mommy taught 4th grade Sunday School that day! She’s used to teaching 3-year-olds so I bet it was really different. But I heard her telling Daddy that she really liked it and was surprised at how well the 4th graders listened and answered and how much fun the class was!

After they got home from church, they left me again to spend the afternoon at the pool. I probably would have loved it but, unfortunately, dogs are not allowed at the pool.

A relaxing Sunday afternoon reading at the pool. He has no idea I took this pic. Shhhh! #MaugeriSummer2K15
A photo posted by Charlene Maugeri (@mrsmaugeri) on

That brings us to Monday, the best day of the whole weekend! First off, in the morning they left me to go have “brunch” which sounded very good to me and I would have loved to join them. Anyway, then they came home and got me and brought me on the next adventure with them!

This time, they let me ride in the new car! I guess they figured I’d get hair in there eventually. I love the Versa! The windows are at the perfect height for me to hang my head out while riding. The windows in the Rogue are a little high for that.

After a short but fantastic ride in the car, we got to Highbanks Metro Park and we walked a couple of the trails. It was the best day ever! I got to smell a bunch of new smells and make some new friends with other doggies and I got lots and lots of exercise. It was so fun!

Later that night Mommy and Daddy grilled burgers on the back patio which meant I got to hang out back there without a leash. That’s also my favorite. There is so much to explore out there even though it’s a small, mostly fenced in place.

After dinner we all sort of chilled. Mommy and Daddy both read some and then Daddy played a video game while Mommy and I blogged. It was the perfect, relaxing ending to a great weekend!

And I can’t forget to say thank you so much to all of those who have fought for our freedoms in this country. Words cannot ever be enough. I puppy salute you!

How was your memorial day weekend?
Thanks for reading and be sure to stop by next time I guest post!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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