Meaningful Marriage Book Study Launch: The Love Dare

Meaningful Marriage Book Study Launch: The Love Dare

I am excited to announce that I have joined a marriage book study hosted by Sarah from To Be Mrs. Collier and Amberly from Life With Amberly and Joe. The study is open to married bloggers around the world and the first book we will be doing is The Love Dare.

I have always heard a lot of good things about The Love Dare. Pearson and I actually watched the movie Fireproof (which features The Love Dare book) the night that we got back together after our [2 week] relationship break in our Freshman year of college. It was a great movie to watch at that point in our life and I know the book will be even more applicable now.

I am looking forward to doing the dare. It is a 40 day challenge. Each day introduces new principles of marriage and how to keep your marriage healthy. It uses scripture and real couples’ experiences to demonstrate each principle. I have tried to do many daily devotion books and things of that nature before and to be honest, I usually don’t stay on track very long. One wonderful thing about this study is that I have a fantastic group of ladies doing the challenge along with me. Even though they are all over the world, we are connected through the internet and can hold each other accountable.
My main goal for this study is to actually do all 40 days worth of challenges without growing weary and giving up. As I mentioned above, knowing that some of my blogger friends are doing them along with me will certainly help. The introduction to the book explains that some of the principles will seem second nature and some will be ‘”out of your usual box.” Therefore, another goal I have is to take the parts of the book that don’t come natural and embrace them, apply them, and learn from them. I also want to continue practicing the principles I learn after the dare is over. And lastly, I want to learn to be a better more caring wife for my wonderful husband and to strengthen our marriage now and through any trials life may throw our way. I am very excited about this so let the adventure begin!!

Thanks for reading!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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