October Marriage Goals

October Marriage Goals

This month, I have done my marriage goals a little differently. I am reading The Love Dare with the Meaningful Marriage Book Study blog network. Therefore, my goals for this month all revolve around this book.

I have loved getting to know the other women doing this study. We have regular discussions on Facebook which really helps with keeping the challenge up.
Last week, I introduced the book study and talked about what I want to get of this study and some general goals for the month. My main goal was to keep up with the readings and dares. I usually give up on daily devotionals after about the first week. Well, I have to say, I kept up with it until the weekend hit. I guess it is a combination of not being in the same routine as I am during the week and the fact that I did the youth rally on Saturday. But I don’t want to make excuses. I have caught up. I did two yesterday and two today.
Before I started The Love Dare, I took this marriage evaluation. I am not going to tell you all my results [that’s personal, you know]. I will say however, according to the test, I needed to pay attention to day 2 and 5 the most out of what I have read so far. I must say, those dares were successfully completed and I am continuing to work on them daily. My new goal is to continue this study really focusing on the days I need to work on. I will take the evaluation again at the end of the 40 days and hopefully I will have improved.
This study has really opened my eyes. We have only been married a year and, though we haven’t had many trials, there are things we could be doing to better our marriage.
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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