TGIF & TGIS {Thank Goodness It’s Spring}

TGIF & TGIS {Thank Goodness It’s Spring}

Well, another week down. On to the weekend! Oh and it’s Spring now {supposedly}. Awesome! I am super excited to spend evenings on the patio and to take Pip on long walks without freezing my tail off! All the little animals around our apartment are slowly coming out of hiding and Pip is having a field day watching the squirrels run around the back yard. Ah, I just love Spring. But I have to say, I am still not used to the “Spring” weather here in Ohio. Oh well. It is still better than the winter we just had. Anyway, on to this week’s countdown!

5 Things I Loved This Week

  • I bought this Target bathing suit! I talked about finding it online a couple weeks ago. Well I went to target and bought it. Just in time too, there were only 2 left (even though it is still consistently freezing here). Luckily they had my size.
  • My Naptime Diaries journal. This thing has been a blessing every day since I started in on Ash Wednesday! Love!
  • Warmer weather on the weekends. It is technically Spring now and yet we are still getting below freezing temperatures here. But I am thankful that it has been pretty warm the past several weekends.
  • Blogilates workout videos. Seriously, they are the best.
  • My Premier Designs Lavish Blooms Necklace. I’ve been wearing this lately because it feels very spring-ish and I am all about Spring right now. Bring it on!

4 Blog Posts/Articles I Loved This Week

  • Beagles rescued from a life of research inside a laboratory experience grass for the first time! (
  • 11 Reasons Why Employers Don’t Hire New College Grads (SlideShare)
  • Why is Marriage Portrayed so Negatively on TV (Notes from a Newlywed)
  • The One Thing Christians Should Stop Saying (HuffPo)

3 Posts I Wrote This Week

  • The Rear-View Mirror (Mon)
  • March Gladness (Wed)
  • My Letters to the World (Thurs)

2 Confessions

  • I have already been using my self tanner a little because I do NOT want my pasty white skin to blind people when I start wearing warm-weather clothes.
  • My wonderful hubby bought me a pint of cookie dough ice cream the other day and I ate it all over the course of a couple days. #SorryNotSorry

1 Reason to Smile

  • I’m going to Georgia next week for work. I get to spend the week with my family and see friends, but I have to be away from Pearson and Pip for a whole week.
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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