Total Social: My Favorite Things #FavTotalSocial

Total Social: My Favorite Things #FavTotalSocial

Today I am finally linking up with Helene and Sarah for their #TotalSocial linkup! Well, I shouldn’t say finally because I have linked up with them before, just not with the blog. The great thing about the Total Social link up is that it is for all social media platforms! All you have to do is use the Total Social hashtag for that month. This month, the hastag is #FavTotalSocial and we’re talking all about our favorites! So here are a few of mine…

Color: Purple!!!
Song: This really is a tough one… Maybe I Won’t Give Up by Jason Mraz. Or anything by Five Times August. Or almost anything from Wicked. Ugh I don’t know!
Movie: A three-way tie between The Princess Bride, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (that’s the original, mind you), and The Prestige.

Food: Anything Italian
Animal: Zebra
Drink: Diet coke with either cherry or lemon flavor
     To watch on TV: Football
     To watch in person: Baseball
     To play: Fastpitch Softball
Book: The Harry Potter series, of course.

School Subject: Math
Type of Music: Country or Show Tunes
Super Hero: Spiderman
Hobby: Blogging
Musical: Wicked
Flower: Gerber Daisy
Smell: New Books
TV Show: 
     Old: Full House
     New-er: Once Upon a Time

     Old-er: Julie Andrews
     New-er: Jennifer Lawrence
Actor: Hugh Jackman
Singer: A tie between Carrie Underwood and Idina Menzel
Blog Post: 25 Things Harry Potter Taught Me

Helene in Between

What are some of your all time favorites? Go link up with Sarah and Helene!
Thanks for reading!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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