Personal Goals for September

Personal Goals for September

It’s time again for me to share my progress on my personal goals from last month and set some more for this month. So lets see how well I did in August

  • Buy a new car. Check! We got a Nissan Rogue and I love it!
  • Be active 6 days per week. Mostly Fail. I did horrible for the whole month until the last week of August. Last week I started the “Couch to 5K” program below. I had seen it on the internet a lot, but for some reason, when Rachel posted it, It struck me. I wanted to try and it didn’t seem too daunting. (and if she can do it after giving birth to a sweet baby boy, I can do it). So far so good. It isn’t too hard and I love the way I feel after I run.

  • Spend time in the Word every day. Mostly Check! I have been going through a “Promise Journal” that my grandma gave me like 5 years ago. Every day marks a new promise from God with scripture to back up the promise and quotes to get your mind thinking. Then there is space to journal your thoughts about that primise. I am really enjoying it. I’ve missed a couple days but I always catch up.
  • Publish at least 3 blog posts per week and set aside specific time for blogging. Check!
  • Only check my social media at lunch time and right after work.Fail This was a major fail.
  • Finish The Book Thief and read the 2 Sherlock Holmes books my book club is reading this month. Fail. I am still working on The Book Thief and I didn’t even finish one Sherlock Holmes book.

Hmm… About 50%. So, my goals for September are…

  • Continue the Couch to 5K program 3 times per week and do some Blogilates the other three days with one off day.
  • Spend time in the word every day with my Promise Journal and talk to God about everything.
  • Continue to blog consistently and set aside time for it so it doesn’t take over my life.
  • Leave my phone and laptop in another room while I’m spending time with Pearson in the evenings so I’m not tempted to check social media or blog.
  • Finish The Book Thief and Margo.
Let’s see how well I do this month. I’m shooting for 100%! 
What are your goals for September?
Thanks for reading!
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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