Personal Goals for February

Personal Goals for February

At the beginning of last month, I made some resolutions or personal goals of sorts. Lets see how I did!

I planned to read through the entire Bible with the free #SheReadsTruth #365DaysofTruth this year and so far, so good! I got behind a few times and I always caught up. This has actually become one of my favorite parts of my day. But I still don’t have a set time to really do this. So this month, I want to read the Bible right after I get off of work every day.

Pearson and I planned going to read through the One Year Love Language Minute Devotional by Gary Chapman. So far, so good! We missed a day or two here and there when he stayed at the lab late and went to bed at different times or when I was in Atlanta, but we caught up. This month I want to talk about what we read in the devotional every night. In January, we talked about it sometimes, but a lot of times we just read the excerpt and put it down.

My goal for the year was to stay under my caloric goal every day, not drink any soda, and do something active 6 days per week. Well, I did a pretty good job staying under the caloric goals with a few YOLO meals here and there. I only had 2 sodas. And I stuck to the Blogilates beginners plan except for when I was in Atlanta, but I did workout a couple times that week, and I’m excusing myself for that. This month, I am doing the February Blogilates Calendar and adding cardio through the Couch to 5K program.

I also resolved to go to bed early, wake up early, drink lots of water, and just make my health a priority. Well, for the most part, I’ve made these changes and I will continue all of them.

Since my word for the year is LEARN, I resolved to learn all I can about the people as well as the things in my life. I plan to read at least 15 books and 5 of those have to be non-fiction. So far, so good yet again! I finished Bridge to Haven by Francine Rivers and I’m currently reading Happy Wives Club and Muscle and a Shovel to count towards my non-fiction list.

How are you doing on your resolutions?
Thanks for reading!

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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