Supporting My Husband – Marriage & Relationship Goals {link up}

Supporting My Husband – Marriage & Relationship Goals {link up}

If you read my post on Thursday, then you know this hasn’t been the greatest time in my life. And let me tell you, the weekend didn’t get any better. But the point I’m trying to make is that I didn’t do too well on my relationship goals last month.
But the weekend made me realize something. I was being very selfish. I was sitting there complaining when Pearson is the one who has to stay in the lab all hours of the night. He is pushing through this very difficult grad school and he hasn’t gotten to see much of me either. It’s not like he wants this. So I’m adding another goal this month and that is to be supportive of him.
So what does this look like? Well I’m really not so sure. But I know that I’m gonna be on his side no matter what. 
If he calls me in the middle of the day to complain, I will listen and support his decisions. I may offer some advice, but I will not belittle his issues or defend anyone else in the situation.
I will show him I love him by doing things for him like bringing him lunch (which may be hard seeing as we have one car right now) or giving him a back massage or a back scratch.
I will always be happy he’s home and greet him at the door. I will be his shoulder to lean on.
I will tell him how proud I am of him and that I believe in him and I know he is so smart and he can get through this. One day he will be a doctor and I will be a Mrs. Doctor! 
In addition to being supportive, I still want to keep the date night goal. Pearson’s primary love language is quality time so when we do get a little time together, I want to make sure it’s quality time. No more just sitting on the couch watching Netflix. I’m going to incorporate some of these spring date ideas that I came up with last year. 
What are your relationship goals this month? Be sure to link up below!

New to the Marriage & Relationship Goals Link-up? Goals help our relationships grow stronger and get better with time as well as help us to continue moving forward and avoid the “ruts” of life. This link-up was created in hopes of inspiring your relationship with your significant other no matter your chapter in life and love. We would love for you to join us in making the things we do in our relationships intentional. If you would like more information, click here.

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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