What I’m Up To {September 2014}

What I’m Up To {September 2014}

Happy September! In just a few weeks it will officially be Fall! I just love Fall so much. I love that school has started back, and it’s football season. I am so excited for cooler weather and pumpkin everything. I think this is going to be a great month! So here’s what I’m gonna be up to this month…

Making: A Fall wreath for my front door. I made one last year, but I took it apart for other seasons so I’m really just putting it back together and maybe adding a little something.

Cooking: Yummy Fall soups and crock pot meals.
Clicking: Fall crafts, recipes, and decoration ideas on Pinterest
Drinking: Pumpkin Spice Lattes from Starbucks! Yummy!
Reading: Still working on The Book Thief with Ashley. (My best friend and I are reading it together. She lives in Mississippi but we’ve been discussing over text, phone and Skype. It’s a lot of fun). I’m also gonna start Margo soon for book club. It seems to be a Holocaust book season in my life right now.
Wanting: UGA to do well this season 
Playing: Words with friends! My dad got be back into it
Wishing: Fall would get here fast
Enjoying: College Football! Go Dawgs!!
Waiting: For Fall
Liking: All the Pumpkin, Halloween, and Fall stuff everywhere
Wondering: Who’s gonna be on Dancing With the Stars this season! Lets go, Sadie Robertson!!
Loving: My hubby
Needing: A vacation

Smelling: My Pumpkin/Harvest candles I’ve started alternating.

Wearing: Halloween socks.
Following: The roomers about a revival of Full House being in the works!
Noticing: That seasons and holidays seem to hit the stores earlier and earlier every year
Watching: 19 Kids and Counting. It’s so addicting! Thanks, Erika for getting me hooked! haha
Listening to: Disney Music
Obsessing over: The Duggars (19 Kids and Counting). Seriously. I think I now know everything about them that there is to know.
Shopping for: End-of-Summer clearance clothes
Learning: That End-Of-Summer sales start before the end of the summer
Wasting time on: Getting Swagbucks
Praying for: Students starting another year in school
Working on: The Couch to 5K program that was re-introduced to me by Rachel @ My Wholesome Home
Looking forward to: My parents coming to visit and possible going to Harding for homecoming!

What are you up to this month?
Thanks for reading!
I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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