Continuing to Learn – Marriage & Relationship Goals {link up}

Continuing to Learn – Marriage & Relationship Goals {link up}

Happy February everyone! It’s the first Monday of the month which means it’s time for Marriage and Relationship goals! Last month my goals all involved learning about my husband because LEARN is my word of the year this year. Let’s see how I did, shall we?

First, I wanted to listen to Pearson without interrupting him and I think I did a pretty good job with that. However, I didn’t do so well with putting away technology in the evenings. Pearson has worked very late a lot lately so I am usually finished working and blogging by the time he gets home, but I still feel a need to check my phone all the time. WHY?? It has to stop. It was better this month, but it’s still a problem. 
However, even though Pearson came home pretty late, we still sat down to dinner and talked quite a bit. Even if that meant me picking him up at his building, going out to dinner and dropping him back off. We did NOT go on long walks. I wimped out with the weather. I’ll incorporate this in a few months. 
And lastly, we took the Love Language Quiz and I learned a little more about how he gives and receives love. I learned that Quality Time and Receiving Gifts each moved up a spot on his primary love language list so I’m planning something for his birthday this month with that in mind! (Shhh. Don’t tell him).
In addition to what I’m planning for Pearson’s birthday, this month, I want to ALWAYS hold hands, play footie at dinner and show some affection in public (nothing too gross). Pearson’s number one primary love language is Physical Touch so I want to use that to show him my love as much as possible.
Because Pearson’s secondary love language is Quality Time, and because he works so much and we don’t get a whole lot of time together right now, I want to maximize the time we do have together. I will put my cell phone away in the evenings when he is home to give him my undivided attention. I also want to set aside one night per week for a planned date night. So chilling on the couch watching Netflix once Pearson gets home doesn’t count. I know it will be hard and Pearson might not want to go out after he has worked all week, but even a date night at home would work as long as it is intentional and planned.
So those are my goals this month: to incorporate more physical touch and quality time. What are your marriage and relationship goals this month? Be sure to grab the button and link up below!

New to the Marriage & Relationship Goals Link-up? Goals help our relationships grow stronger and get better with time as well as help us to continue moving forward and avoid the “ruts” of life. This link-up was created in hopes of inspiring your relationship with your significant other no matter your chapter in life and love. We would love for you to join us in making the things we do in our relationships intentional.

I'm a millennial wife and fur-mom living in Oregon. I'm passionate about marriages and making them last. I believe it's possible to build a marriage that will endure whatever comes your way and all it takes is a little work. And trust me, your marriage is so worth that effort!

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